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pAd5 Updated

Plasmid containing the WT Ad5 genome between two PacI sites

  • Sequence-verified


Cat# :
25 µg

pAd5 is a 44 kb cosmid that contains the complete Ad5 genome between two PacI sites.  The entire sequence of the plasmid was verified experimentally.  The Ad5 genome is identical to the Adenovirus Type 5 Reference Material (GenBank AY339865), except for 3 discrepancies: 

  1. At position ~14080, the stretch of “A” has 14 residues in pAd5, while 13 in ARM (GenBank AY339865), 12 in Ad5 (GenBank M73260) and 17 in Ad2 (GenBank NC_001405).  This homopolymer is located immediately downstream from (and includes partially) the TAA stop codon of pIIIa coding sequence.
  2. At position ~29820, the stretch of “T” has 6 residues in pAd5, while 7 in ARM (GenBank AY339865), 6 in Ad5 (GenBank M73260), and 4 in Ad2 (GenBank NC_001405).  In the published ARM sequence, an additional “T” would cause a frameshift mutation and premature termination of E3 10.4K (RID-alpha) protein.
  3. At position ~34340, the stretch of “T” has 11 residues in pAd5, while 12 in ARM (Genbank # AY339865), 11 in Ad5 (GenBank  M73260), and 14 in Ad2 (GenBank NC_001405).  This homopolymer is located immediately downstream from (and includes partially) the TAA stop codon of the E4 ORF3. 

The plasmid can be used for cloning purposes, as control for virus recovery by DNA transfection into helper cells, as control in Q-PCR experiments, etc...

Vector MapSequenceSequence + AnnotationsProduct Information Sheet
Vector Map pAd5.txt (44.11 KB) (123.91 KB) Product_information_pAd5.pdf (150.64 KB)